One of the things we have given up with our tech is we used to be able to look at a photograph and say with at least a little bit of confidence that the photo is real and not been photo shopped or manipulated.I know dark room tricks have been around since the art was invented.
I don't think there is a judge in the country that can now look at a photo or a video tape and wonder if its not been tampered with. To that end I call upon the photo image geeks to come up with a formula and a system that could be embedded in cameras that says conclusively this is the image that was shot on this day and in this time, in this camera and with this system in place it can not be changed or altered or at least noted with an obvious artifact in the image.
I have dabbled in photo shop and video rendering enough to get a pretty good idea when an image has been manipulated.I am sure there are people that can snooker me.
It dawns on me that all the images on Google Earth may not be accurate if National Security is in play.I would like to know that Other than the obvious and rare blot outs..When I examine UFO media I'd like to know for certain there hasn't been any manipulation. I can not believe NASA. I see the actual images unprocessed coming down from Hubble, then I see the images they put out to the public Im not too sure there hasn't been a whole lot of Artistic license.Its not like the stars are a string of colored twinkle lights.I know enough to know why they justify what they are doing .
Then the entire Space Physics departments are out doing themselves in with wild theories each out postulating themselves.When Stephen Hawkings comes up with mankind better be afraid of an Alien encounter its time to draw a line. Just because every time a primitive people have come in contact with a more"civilized" advanced race has meant great harm to the primitives, is to say that any alien species that has achieved centuries more development then we mortal humans would not have evolved protocols and systems to not severely harm native life forms seems silly. "W have traveled a 100 million light years and you look edible, want all your zirconium, first editions of Mark Twain plus the 2009 Playboy centerfold will make good breeding stock."
On the other hande , we dont seem to be able to o0vercome greed and opportunism to our own detriment I refuse to believe its an eternal theme that carries across galaxies.Then great space travel over vast distances no matter what state of evolution is going to be costly in hours , the sacrifice, and equipment to make the journey.
I really believe that two intelligent life forms from different parts of the Universe are going to be overjoyed to discover that they are not the only ones. Not that there wont be cultural clashes.
Our moralities and religions have for the most part been written to give everyone rules of the road why would we think Aliens wouldn't have developed comparable ideas.
The one part of the equation that postulates the possibility of other life in the Universe I dont think quantifies, its intelligent enough to communicate, or that it lives at the same time frame. Its been rare so far with no real concrete proof to the contrary, at least proof that the public has.
To that end I propose to future generations to build a space lighthouse using the power of the Sun to blink out PI over and over to every quadrant and see if it gets a response. Perhaps large silica panels that act as a lens to blink out the code in dots and dashes using the power of the sun. I'm not expert but I think SETI might have some success if they scanned in the visible spectrum perhaps in off handed ways, others already are..
One of the hobbies I am thinking of undertaking is the daunting quest to just competently observe and record , But dam the equipments so expensive!
I would like to see a fleet of well equipped vans with radar and the best optical long range cameras stationed in quadrants of the country to start chasing some of the UFO activity. You know the military will try to stop it. the Delta wing three spotlight blinking landing craft type lights have been spotted all over the USA.Some pretty compelling video footage. My guess its quiet and stealth aircraft that mostly flies at night.thousands of people in Phoenix saw the UFOs Luke Airforce Base right there jets at the ready was called and they did nothing but deny, why?
Lastly I dont mind that the government has secret bases and secret airplanes able to do things it would be best if everyone didn't know about.
After the 60 year old story of this country going to another country to make innocent people sick with STDS Im sorry bucko you blew the US citizens trust.
So I want Bill Clintons ridiculous edict about Area 51 and the whole Groom Lake thing lifted.
Why because nothing should be so secret there isnt accountability and a clear a definite chain of current accountability if something goes wrong.From the looks of some of the stuff Ive seen on Google Earth it looks like something went hay wire with a burned and aborted part of the complex.
When an Air Force Officer announces that guards reported a UFO and his missiles went dead and the government wants to play deaf dumb and silent for decades. We need to get to the bottom of it, if they haven't.How many hot broken arrows are there? Why haven't you recovered them all? Some I guess off the cuff news reports are that the main stay of military secrets have all ready been compromised by the Chinese. I think because you are trying to guard too much and declare everything classified your not keeping things secret that you should.
To the real issue Im talking about the militarys constant denial with the number of very credible reports on UFOs makes me and everyone else think you are trying to cover something up.
Let me say this quite clearly. The discovery that there is intelligent life forms in other parts of the Universe is an Epic milestone of such gigantic proportions, that if for any reason you decide to with hold this information from the public, you should and will be treated as a criminal. No matter what your reasoning. It would have to be held that you are holding such information not as protection but for your own or corporate interests which are not the interests of the world as a whole.This is a Republic of the people and by the people and if you decide otherwise you are going to be held in contempt of the Constitution.
In this same vein. Corporations are not underwriting the shuttle or the ISS Station enough to be able to claim proprietary hold on information gathered from their exploits. the USA public deserves a big payback and cut of any such informnation
It wouldn't hurt the Navy to develop a program where the USA nuclear submarine fleet on their regular patrols isn't doing more on reporting on the health and conditions of the oceans.
The days of mutually assured destruction are over.I suppose that even today the possibility of overwhelming retaliation by our nuclear submarines may chill the nerves of a sane aggressor.
It seems that it wont effect terrorists who believe in a religious Valhalla. The chances are that a bomb will be smuggled in and detonated.Whats the NAvy and the DOD going to do then indescrimanently strike back at suspects, or wait for months to sift threw the rubble. So if owning and operateing nuclear attack submarines is driveing other countries to develop them and they really will be the death of us all maybe. The time is comeing to drop them down to conventional and stealthy pin point accuracy.I hope the military understands this and doesnt make it a game of, only if we are the last ones to have any.
I am not an expert in any of it.I have one big fat ugly truth on my side. There has never been an offensive weapon that man hasn't discovered and used in mass. The other big truth everybody better start saying loudly is we can not afford to every cross that path. From Mc Arthur in Korea, then Cuba, ammunition of depleted uranium, to talk of tactical nukes are ok, we keep the creep up to inevitability and it has to stop.! Its not a game of chicken to see who blinks first. If we survive humanity at best will be forced back into a God Awful Dark Ages. The slow down ,gradual disarmament notion is a failure with more countries getting developing and deploying. Its time for a world wide stop and dismantle order before its too late. IF you believe Bush we had no idea 9/11 was comeing. Considering our history as a people we know another World War is inevitable, hence a major nuclear exchange.So have the sense to elimanate all WMDS not cut back .All it would take is a unanimous declaration from the UN that any nation that iniates a first WMD strile will be totally and completely destroyed by all other nations. No quarter ,no humanitarian stops leveled with no reconstruction or relief.The politicians know that if the Worlds population could vote on it, out they would go.So do it and quit giving us reasons why we should not or wont. Its a handful of power mad egotists who want the power to destroy themselves and everybody else all in the name of national security which is no security at all and its sick.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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